Spiritual clearing you, your family and your home

We all know the feeling of walking into a room and the hairs on your arms stand up, or it's super cold, or you get the shivers. Sometimes this happens as we walk past an area in our house, or even a person can give you the 'cobbles'. Humans have amazing psychic senses and our capability to pick up on energetic changes is incredible, however, many of us have lost contact with this ancient skill through many reasons but our disconnection is not helped by the increase in technology in our lives. Ultimately, it can be very difficult to pick up on or discern 'negative vibes' on ourselves, in our homes and on our families.

In my capacity as a medium I offer the 'service' of remote spiritual clearing for yourself, your loved ones and / or your home. Working with a variety of very high vibrational beings including the Archangels plus a whole team of spiritual guides, we orchestrate to systematically clear negative entities, earth bound spirits (or ghosts), thought forms, witchcraft or curses, cords, etheric AI, demons and any other objects or energies which are not for your highest good, from your personal etheric spaces. 

As humans we carry lots of 'trauma' from life's difficult or challenging moments, this trauma is often held within our emotional, spiritual and / or physical body, without us realizing it. But the impact of carrying or holding onto these old feelings or trauma's over time, is our chakra system becomes impacted, fractured or sluggish and our overall energetic vibration lowers. 

When this energetic lowering occurs, it allows negative beings to attach to us as we are now an energetic match with them. Once attached, they begin syphoning off our energy and using it for themselves. This can make us irritable, heavy, mentally depressed or anxious, unable to sleep well, unexplained lack of focus or drive, stuck in negative thoughts resulting in poor decisions, unexplainable pain in random areas or a constant feeling of being watched. Other common signs are voices in your head that are negative, noises in the house or electrical appliances switching on or off randomly. All of these symptoms may mean a negative entity is attached to the aura, the chakra system or the house.

Releasing these negative energies means you'll feel much lighter, more able to connect with your soul, happier and healthier. After your clearing, it's very important you follow the protection protocol I send you to prevent lower energies from attaching again. But if you do feel something is attached, it is fine to do another clearing.

If you'd like to know more about these types of spiritual clearings feel free to contact me to discuss. Alternatively, you can book your clearing below. 

Spiritual Clearing For You

Spiritual Clearing For Your Family

Spiritual Clearing For Your Pet


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